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How To Help Your Teen Find The Confidence They Deserve

Writer's picture: Lisa GorsuchLisa Gorsuch


How To Help Your Teen Find The Confidence They Deserve

By: Megan Bauer and Lisa Gorsuch

June 14, 2022

Confidence is all about believing in yourself and your success. This does not mean that your teenager is cocky or self-righteous, but they believe in their abilities to succeed in their goals.

It is imperative for teens to grow up with confidence. When a teen has confidence they are more likely to push themselves and strive for better opportunities rather than staying in their comfort zone. When your teen believes in themselves they will discover new skills and learn to take pride in their achievements.

Tips to help give your teen confidence:

  • Encourage your teen

  • Allow them to fail and provide them with reassurance

  • Push your teen to try new things

  • Help your teen set goals

  • Give them responsibilities

  • Talk to your teen with positivity

Encouraging your teen- When you encourage your teen to do things you are pushing them out of their comfort zone. Most teens that have low confidence do not want to push themselves, but if you encourage your teen they will feel as though someone believes in them.

Allow your teen to fail- When your teen starts trying new things it is likely they will not always succeed. As a parent, this might be hard to watch, but it is important for your teen to learn from their mistakes. When your teen does come across some failures the most important thing to do is give them reassurance. Help your teen understand why they might have failed, but also what they did that could have led them to succeed.

Push your teen for new experiences- The more your teen breaks out of their shell and tries new things the more they will find new talents and skills they have. This will allow your teen to understand what their different strengths and weaknesses are so they can improve their skills.

Set goals with your teen- When your teen has a goal in mind they will automatically have a feeling to succeed in their goal. This will allow them to push themselves in order to accomplish their goal and take pride in their achievement(s).

Give Responsibilities- When you give your teens responsibilities it helps them gain confidence. They will be able to start gaining a sort of independence and this will help your teen with a schedule. In the adult world your teen will have many responsibilities, so learning how to deal with responsibilities at a young age will build confidence in your teen and they will be better prepared for their future.

Positive talk- Try not to be too negative when talking to your teen. It is important that your teen receives constructive criticism, but it will not be beneficial to them if they feel as though they did everything wrong. When you explain things to your teen it is important to explain things they can improve on, but also show them the things they did correctly. By talking to your teen in a positive way they will understand and enjoy the constructive criticism they receive.

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